機関誌 日中医学
VOL.30 No.2 2015.8.


<日本語> <中国語>

巻頭言   前言
新興感染症・熱帯病の治療と対策   新发传染病及热带病的治疗与对策
国立感染症研究所 感染症疫学センター長   国立感染症研究所 感染症流行病学中心主任
大石 和徳   大石 和徳

茨城県古河保健所長   茨城县古河保健所长
緒方 剛   绪方 刚
Legislative system for prevention of emerging infectious diseases in Japan
【Abstract】 According to the Infectious Diseases Control Law in Japan, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare institutes basic guideline, and local governors establish preparedness plan. Hospitalization recommendation and other various control measures allowed to be executed for prevention of emerging infectious diseases classified as category I, category II, pandemic influenza and relevant infections, and new infectious disease. Provisions on respect for patients’ human right and epidemiological investigation are also regulated.
【Key words】 emerging infectious disease; law, hospitalization; human right; epidemiological investigation

国立国際医療研究センター 国際感染症センター長   国立国际医疗研究中心 国际传染病中心主任
大曲貴夫   大曲贵夫
Clinical practice of emerging infectious diseases in Japan
【Abstract】 In Japan, the framework of the clinical response to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is defined by Act on Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients Suffering Infectious Diseases, Quarantine Act, and Act on Special Measures for Pandemic Influenza and New Infectious Diseases Preparedness and Response. At this point three designated medical institution for
specified infectious diseases(total 8 beds)and 46 designated medical institution of Class 1 specified infectious diseases(total 8 beds)are designated as healthcare facilities that are responsible for the response. Since clinical knowledge and experience of emerging infectious diseases always limited, it is necessary to build a flexible system.
【Key words】 Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases; Designated medical institution for specified infectious diseases; Designated medical institution of Class 1 specified infectious diseases

北 潔   北 洁
Development of Drugs for Tropical Infectious Diseases in Japan
【Abstract】 Japan has succeeded in eradication of malaria and other tropical disease including lymphatic filariasis and schistosomiasis. However, situation is to never permit a digression when we pay attention to the global health. This review points out the importance of elimination and/or control of Neglected Tropical Diseases(NTDs)and then, introduces the current situation of drug development in Japan combat against the tropical infectious diseases as well as achievements in the past.
【Key words】 Tropical infectious disease; Neglected tropical diseases(NTDs); Drug development

北京市疾病予防抑制センター   北京市疾病预防控制中心
1. 業務事務局主任
1. 业务办公室主任
The introduction of the implementation and result in prevention
and control of novel influenza and avian influenza in Beijing
【Abstract】 Around the world novel influenza(such as H1N1 in 2009)outbreak and human-infected avian influenza(such as H5N1 in 2005, H7N9 in 2013) emerged constantly because of genetic mutation of influenza virus. Every country has placed great importance on prevention and control of these novel respiratory infectious diseases and has actively taken many measures. In this article it is aimed to briefly introduce the implementation and result of various measures in prevention and control of novel influenza and avian influenza in Beijing as an international city, such as case surveillance, virus pathogenic surveillance, environmental surveillance, vaccine inoculation, closing live poultry markets, emergency preparedness, etc.
【Key words】Influenza; Avian Influenza; Prevention and Control Measures

蒋 栄猛   蒋 荣猛
The first public health training in Sierra Leone aided by
Chinese medical team
【Abstract】 Since the ebola outbreak spreads over one year in West Africa, resulting in the death for thousands of people, with its special time and space background. In addition to the poor, very weak public health system and the deep-rooted traditional concepts, there is also no National Mobilization for acute infectious disease prevention and control. To this end, China sent a public health training team to west Africa, for training the medical personnel, first-line managers, community leaders, government officials, students, community health workers and volunteers, impart to them the experiences for acute infectious disease prevention and control, such as earlier finding, early reporting, early diagnosis, early isolation, early treatment of the five early experiences. This paper introduces the works of the first public health training carried out by China in Sierra Leone. Through training, we established not only for Sierra Leone an effective training organization structure, but also established a group of experienced teachers for Sierra Leone. They would have become the backbone of prevention and control for the Ebola and other infectious diseases.
【Key words】 Ebora; public health; training

随想 Zuiso 2014 年 中国「尋故之旅」を終えて~ 第一部 山東省訪問 ~
  元国立国際医療研究センター 千葉靖男
国立感染症研究所名誉所員 吉倉 廣
インタビュー 在日中国人研究者を訪ねて
  兵庫医療大学薬学部医療薬学科 教授  戴 毅
  (聞き手・広報委員会委員  範 江林)
日中共同研究こぼれ話 ミッションインポッシブル
  国立がん研究センター研究所 発がん・予防研究分野ユニット長  戸塚ゆ加里
笹川生 in China 辺境の高血圧予防治療のために
  新疆ウイグル自治区人民病院副院長 新疆高血圧研究所所長  李南方(李南方)
  北京中日友好病院国際医療部一病棟主任医師  張子義(张子义)
中国医学ニュース -風土病- 改善に向けた対策と効果
  中国医学研究家  池永 優美子
中国の家庭薬 更年安片
  徐福中医研究所代表  何 仲涛
あとがき 広報委員会委員  山田陽城
