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巻頭言 『日中の懸け橋』~「日中のがん告知の現状と相違」~

順天堂大学 名誉教授


中国医科大学附属第一病院腫瘍内科 主任

The status analysis of truth-telling of cancer in China

The total incidence rates of cancer in China is gradually increasing each year, and cancer has become one of the most life-threatening illness. Telling truth to cancer patients is not only a legal obligation, but also affects the humanistic care of cancer treatment. In China, whether doctors should tell truth to cancer patients is still in dispute among relatives of patients, and even among doctors. People of diff erent ages have obviously diff erent understandings of truth-telling in China, which is aff ected by education level, family roles, and traditional customs. Truth-telling of cancer is not only a matter between the doctor and the patient, but also involves the doctor and the patient and their relatives. Traditional customs and financial capability are important factors that influence the understanding of cancer and therapeutic strategy selection. The vast majority of oncologists in China believe that telling truth to cancer patients has more benefi ts in terms of individual rights, disease treatment, and humanistic care. The doctors need to master excellent communication skills and truth-telling way full of humanistic care.

【Key words】
Truth-telling of cancer, China, humanistic care, cancer treatment


宋 純※1、張 順、蒋小華

The status and problems of truth-telling in Chinese oncology surgery

Attitudes and practices of truth-telling to patients with cancer in China have shifted in the past few years. However, cultural and individual diff erences persist, and some diffi culties common to all medical specialties are magnifi ed in oncology. Thetruth-telling plays important role in the doctor-patient relationship in China. This review shows the status and problems of truth-telling in China, especially in aspect of patients receiving oncology surgery.

【Key words】
China, Oncology, Truth-telling, Cancer patients



The current situation and problems/challenges giving a notice about cancer in Japan

Several cancer genome profi ling tests, called CGP tests are available to the public in the world. In Japan, two types of CGP test, covered by Japanese Health insurance system has started. The patient applied for CGP test, is limited. In addition to that, results from CGP test is open to a number of interpretations, it depends on“ expert panel”. We have to learn about characteristics of each CGP tests and benefi t all cancer patients.

【Key words】
precision cancer medicine, cancer gene profi ling test, hereditary neoplastic syndrome, genotype matched treatment, disclosure of genetic information


国立がん研究センター研究所RI実験施設 主任研究員
藤井 元

Status and Issues of Cancer Genome Risk Notification in Japan

Japan has just entered the era of cancer genomic medicine. As genetic information is rapidly coming into general medical care, both healthcare professionals and patients have been required to have not only cancer literacy but also genomic literacy. In this era, patients should be supported by genetic counseling, and be able to seek cancer preventive medical care by themselves. Currently, only ~10% of new treatments can be found by clinical sequences. Meanwhile, incidental fi ndings can be occasionally found by clinical sequences. In this review, we will address our status and problems in Japan regarding cancer genome risk notification.

【Key words】
cancer genome, clinical sequence, incidental fi ndings, literacy, preventive medicine



医療法人メディカル春日会 革嶋クリニック 理事長

笹川生 in China 

広東省疾病予防コントロールセンター病原微生物検査所 主任技師
柯 昌文

あとがき 広報委員会委員  樋野興夫