巻頭言 日中における予防医学の現状と課題
東京大学医学部附属病院 予防医学センター長
代 敏※1 蔡 潔 陳宏達 呉文銘
※1 主任、教授
Current Situation and Scientific Research Focuses of Preventive Medicine in Chinese Class A Tertiary Hospitals
Along with the implementation of the Healthy China initiative, Chinese Class A tertiary hospitals are playing increasingly important roles in preventive medicine in China. At present, the main services regarding preventive medicine provided by Class A tertiary hospitals include health consultation, infectious disease prevention and control, chronic disease management, and maternal and infant healthcare. However, the quality of services and scientific research regarding preventive medicine varies greatly among different hospitals. In future, Class A tertiary hospitals should pay more attention to preventive medicine.
【Key words】
China, Class A tertiary hospital, Preventive medicine
浙江省人民病院健康管理センター 副主任
費 敏
Current Situation and Subjects of the Physical Examination Industry in Physical Examination Institutions in China
As health awareness increases, the physical examination industry in China has entered a rapid growth phase. At present, the physical examination institutions in China include physical examination centers in public hospitals, which play a dominant role, and private physical examination institutions, which play a supplementary role. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Despite difficulties, the physical examination industry in China is making efforts to incorporate three changes that will transition the model from simple physical examination to health management, from business management to disciplinary construction, and from menu-type physical examination to personalized customization.
【Key words】
Physical examination, Institutions, Situation, Subjects
東京ミッドタウンクリニック 院長
Current Problems and Future of Preemptive Medicine in Japan
Current problems of healthcare in Japan are increase of elder population, frailty and cognitive impairment, and mismatch between healthy life expectancy and average life expectancy. To resolve these issues, it is important to promote health check-ups and prevention of metabolic syndrome, cancer, prefrail symptoms and brain damage.
【Key words】
Elder population, Frailty, Cognitive impairment, Healthy life expectancy, Cancer
東京大学医学部附属病院 国際検診センター長
Possibilities and Challenges of Preventive Medicine in the Age of Internationalization
Preventive medicine is one of the strengths of Japan’s medical care and is unparalleled worldwide. The Center for International Preventive Medicine was recently established to provide the highly-developed Japanese preventive medical services to overseas residents. It is expected to take advantage of our university hospital’s advanced medical system, in order to make international contributions in areas of clinical practice, education, and research with global cooperation.
【Key words】
Preventive medicine, Internationalization of medical care, Internationalization project of preventive medicine, Global cooperation, China
日本に長期在住する中国人高齢者の健康管理 千葉大学大学院看護学研究院看護学研究科 博士後期課程 姚 利 |
笹川生 in China |
慶應義塾大学での思い出-懐かしき留学生 |
あとがき | 広報委員会委員 飯塚陽子 |
機関誌『日中医学』投稿原稿募集の お知らせ |