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機関誌 日中医学 |
VOL.30 No.1 2015.5. |
特集・日中における不妊症治療の現状と課題 |
(中文题目:中日两国不孕症治疗的现状与课题) |
<日本語> |
<中国語> |
巻頭言 |
前言 |
日中両国における不妊治療の現状と課題 |
日中两国不孕症治疗的现状与课题 |
医療法人財団順和会山王病院院長 |
医疗法人财团顺和会山王医院院长 |
堤 治 |
堤 治 |
| |
中国不孕症发病症状的现状 |
主任、教授 |
主任、教授 |
鄭 鵬生 |
郑 鹏生 |
Current status of Infertility onset of China |
【Abstract】 Infertility has now become a medical and social problem in the developing country
including China.The prevalence of infertility has increased,in part because of general health issues,
such as the rise in sexually transmitted diseases,obesity,and also because women are postponing having their child.In China,prevention of infertility is as important as infertility management.
【Key words】 infertility; prevalence; current status |
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中国不孕症治疗的现状与课题 |
中国医科大学国際交流処処長 |
中国医科大学国际交流处处长 |
潘 伯臣 |
潘 伯臣 |
Current Status and Issues of the Infertility Treatment in China |
【Abstract】 Infertility among Chinese couples of reproductive age is very common Treatment of infertility in China has been improving rapidly for the recent years, and the success rate of assisted reproductive technologies has reached international standard Both government and academic societies have played a significant role in the advancement However, much work remains to be done to reduce the incidence of infertility and further improve the treatment.
【Key words】 Infertility; Treatment; Assisted reproductive technology; Male; Female |
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日本不孕症的现状 |
東京大学大学院医学系研究科産婦人科学講座教授 |
东京大学大学院医学系研究科妇产科讲座教授 |
大須賀 穣 |
大须贺 穰 |
Current status of infertility in Japan |
【Abstract】 Japan is a country with low birth rate and rapidly aging society In the last few decades, the ages of the marriage and the first childbirth have increased significantly. Consequently, married women tend to become infertile because of deteriorated ovarian function when they try to get pregnant in their late 30’s. On this background, the number of assisted reproductive technology(ART)has rapidly been increasing with official aids for reimbursement of the cost.
【Key words】 infertility; Japan; current status |
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少子化时代日本不孕症治疗的现状与课题 |
国際医療福祉大学大学院臨床医学研究センター教授 |
国际医疗福祉大学大学院临床医学研究中心教授 |
藤原 敏博 |
藤原 敏博 |
The present situation and problems of infertility
treatment in Japan under declining birth rate |
【Abstract】 The main axis of infertility treatment in Japan is the same as before in which appropriate way is chosen as a start-up method following diagnosis of the cause of infertility and step-up is done after several times of failure. However increase of high aged patients in accordance with the social tendency of late marriage/conception compelled us to start with assisted reproductive technology
(ART)in many cases.
【Key words】 infertility treatment; declining birth rate; assisted reproductive technology(ART); high
aged patient |
随想 Zuiso |
ネット上の意見について |
日中医学協会評議員、国立保健医療科学院企画調整主幹 曽根 智史 |
インタビュー |
在日中国人研究者を訪ねて |
大阪医科大学看護学部 講師 カルデナス(湯)暁東 |
(聞き手・広報委員会委員 範 江林) |
日中共同研究こぼれ話 |
中国地方都市雑感 |
京都大学大学院医学研究科環境衛生学分野研究員 新添 多聞 |
笹川生 in China |
(人生寻梦,创新如翼) |
中南大学湘雅第二病院肝胆膵外科教授 徐 迅迪(徐迅迪)
(日中笹川医学奨学金制度第21期生) |
北京積水潭病院熱傷整形科主任医師 陳 欣(陈 欣)
(日中笹川医学奨学金制度第18期生) |
中国医学ニュース |
2014 年度、全国法定伝染病疫病発生状況と傾向 |
中国医学研究家 池永 優美子 |
中国の家庭薬 |
羅漢果茶 |
杏林中医薬情報研究所所長 袁世華 |
2015年度事業計画 |
2015年度収支予算 |
新入会員・寄付者 |
あとがき |
広報委員会委員 範江林、飯塚陽子 |