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機関誌 日中医学 |
VOL.30 No.3 2015.11. |
特集・日中における内視鏡診断治療の現状と課題 |
(中文题目:中日两国内窥镜诊断治疗的现状与课题) |
<日本語> |
<中国語> |
巻頭言 |
前言 |
日中における内視鏡診断治療の現状と課題 |
中日两国内窥镜诊治的现状和课题 |
東京慈恵会医科大学先進内視鏡治療研究講座教授 |
东京慈恵会医科大学先进内窥镜治疗研究客座教授 |
田尻 久雄 |
田尻 久雄 |
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中国内窥镜诊断治疗的现状与展望(上消化道) |
北京大学人民病院副院長、消化器科教授 |
北京大学人民医院副院长、消化科教授 |
劉 玉蘭 |
刘 玉兰 |
The present and prospects on upper gastrointestinal
endoscopic diagnosis and treatment in China |
【Abstract】 In this review, the authors presented the current application status and future expectations of upper gastrointestinal(GI) endoscopy in mainland China. Rapid development in GI endoscopic diagnosis and treatment has been made in mainland China, but major diagnostic endoscopes and therapeutic endoscopy procedures are predominantly used in large endoscopy units. Upper GI early cancer diagnosis, general survey, endoscopic quality control, endoscopic education and training system need further improvement in the future.
【Key words】 endoscopy, Chinese, gastrointestinal, diagnosis, treatment |
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中国早期结直肠癌内镜诊治的现状与对策 |
消化器内視鏡センター主任 |
消化内镜中心主任 |
戈 之錚 |
戈 之铮 |
Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of early colorectal carcinomas
in China: current challenges and improvement strategies. |
【Abstract】 Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in China with increasing incidence in recent decades, in contrast to its decline in western countries. Screening and removal of early colorectal cancers and adenomatous polyps is the most effective way to reduce colorectal cancer mortality. The application of innovative endoscopic technologies has paved the way for endoscopists to
improve the early diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancers.
【Key words】 early colorectal cancer; endoscopic; screening; diagnosis; treatment |
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日本内窥镜诊断治疗的现状与课题(上消化道) |
東京大学医学部附属病院光学医療診療部部長・准教授 |
东京大学医学部附属医院光学医疗诊疗部部长、副教授 |
藤城 光弘 |
藤城 光弘 |
Current status and future issue regarding endoscopic
diagnosis and treatment in Japan (Upper GI tract) |
【Abstract】 In Japan, to overcome cancers in the upper gastrointestinal tract is a major issue from 1960s.
Nowadays, about half of these cancers could be cured owing several attempts including endoscopy.
Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment have dramatically improved in recent years, which contributes to early diagnoses and minimal invasive treatments of them. Further developments in this field are
expected from Japan in cooperation with foreign countries such as China.
【Key words】 image-enhanced endoscopy; endoscopic submucosal dissection; minimal invasive surgery; esophageal neoplasm; stomach neoplasm |
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日本内窥镜诊断治疗的现状和课题(下消化道) |
国立がん研究センター中央病院内視鏡科 |
国立癌研究中心中央医院内窥镜科 |
斎藤 豊1、中島 健2、山田真善3、
坂本 琢4、松田尚久5
1. 科長 2. 病棟医長 3. 医員
4. 医員 5. 外来医長兼検診センター部長 |
齐藤 丰1、中岛 健2、山田真善3、
坂本 琢4、松田尚久5
1. 科长 2.病房医长 3.医师
4.医师 5.门诊部主任兼检验科主任 |
Current Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment for Early
Colorectal Cancer |
【Abstract】 Colonoscopy is one of the proven valuable methods in reducing both morbidity and mortality due to colorectal cancer. Currently the major challenge of colorectal screening in Japan is the low
participation rate. Image-enhanced endoscopy (IEE) such as narrow band imaging (NBI) and autofluorescence imaging (AFI) has been developed to improve flat adenoma detection rate (ADR).
Chromoscopy and IEE with magnification are known to be useful to differentiate between non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions. Magnification IEE is moreover effective for the assessment of cancer invasion
depth. Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) had been the gold standard technique for endoscopic treatment for early colorectal cancer; however, colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) has
also been approved for coverage by Japanese National Health Insurance from April 2012. Subsequently ESD has been widely applied for early colorectal cancer > 2cm in diameter when conventional EMR would be difficult. Widespread use of ESD and further development of safe and effective endoscopic resection are expected.
【Key words】 early colorectal carcinoma; ESD; EMR; guidelines |
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及腺癌危险因素的分析 |
須並英二1、川合一茂2、渡邉聡明2 |
须并英二1、川合一茂2、渡边聪明2 |
2.東京大学医学部附属病院大腸肛門外科 |
2.东京大学医学部附属医院结肠肛肠外科 |
Risk factors of developing metachronous adenoma or adenocarcinoma
in the remnant colorectum after colorectal cancer surgery |
【Abstract】 Patients with curatively resected colorectal cancer remain at a high risk for developing metachronous adenoma or adenocarcinoma in the remnant colorectum. Analyzing the data from surveillance colonoscopy in our institute after curative resection of colorectal cancer, this study revealed that both age and synchronous neoplasia are independent risk factors of developing metachronous neoplasia.
【Key words】 Colorectal cancer; colorectal adenoma; postoperative surveillance; colonoscopy |
随想 Zuiso |
2014 年 中国「尋故之旅」を終えて~ 第二部 甘粛省訪問 ~ |
元国立国際医療研究センター 千葉靖男
国立感染症研究所名誉所員 吉倉 廣 |
インタビュー |
在日中国人研究者を訪ねて |
武庫川女子大学薬学部東洋医薬学講座 教授 高 明 |
(聞き手・広報委員会委員 範 江林) |
日中共同研究こぼれ話 |
-段煉先生との交流を中心に- |
東京医科歯科大学脳神経外科准教授 成相 直 |
笹川生 in China |
(我的留学心得) |
吉林大学中日聯誼病院胃腸外科主任 孫立波(孙立波)
(日中笹川医学奨学金制度第19期生) |
中国医科大学附属第一医院膵臓外科講師、主治医師 孟凡斌(孟凡斌)
(日中笹川医学奨学金制度第34期生) |
中国医学ニュース |
農村医療 -質の向上をめざして- |
中国医学研究家 池永 優美子 |
中国の家庭薬 |
西洋参黄耆カプセル |
東邦大学薬学部准教授 李 巍 |
新入会員・寄付者 |
あとがき |
広報委員会委員 小澤邦壽 |
《日中医学》特辑专栏的题目受理“研究报告”形式的一般投稿的通知 |
日中医学协会机关杂志《日中医学》研究报告投稿规定 |