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機関誌 日中医学 |
VOL.31 No.1 2016.5. |
特集・日中における人工関節の現状と課題 |
(中文题目:中日两国人工关节的现状与课题) |
<日本語> |
<中国語> |
巻頭言 |
前言 |
日中における人工関節の現状と課題 |
中日两国人工关节的现状与课题 |
東京大学医学部附属病院整形外科教授 |
东京大学医学部附属医院骨科教授 |
田中 栄 |
田中 荣 |
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中国人工髋关节的现状与课题 |
北京積水潭医院整形外科副主任医師 |
北京积水潭医院矫形骨科副主任医师 |
姜 旭 |
姜 旭 |
Present status and future of hip joint replacement in China |
【Abstract】 Artifical hip joint replacement has become one of the standard operation for treating all kinds of moderate or late stage joint disease. With the development of technology and material, hip joint replacement improved quickly which can effectively relieve the pain and restore the joint function. In this article, the present status and the future development of hip joint replacement in china are introduced from five aspects: history, prosthesis materials, perioperative management, artificial hip joint revision, problems and development trend.
【Key words】 hip; replacement; perioperative management; revision. |
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中国人工膝关节置换的现状 |
関節外科スポーツ医学病棟副主任 |
关节外科运动医学病房副主任 |
傅 永慧 |
傅 永慧 |
Current status of knee arthroplasty in China |
【Abstract】 Total knee arthroplasty(TKA)is one of the most clinically successful interventions for patients with debilitating knee diseases. Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the number of knee arthroplasties performed in China. This paper discusses the current status and features of knee arthroplasty, as well as the problems and the future development in knee arthroplasty in China.
【Key words】 Total knee arthroplasty; knee replacement; China |
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日本人工髋关节的现状与课题 |
日本赤十字社医療センター骨・関節整形外科部長 |
日本红十字社医疗中心骨/关节成形外科部长 |
伊藤 英也 |
伊藤 英也 |
The current status and problems of hip replacement
surgery in Japan |
【Abstract】 Total hip replacement is one of the most very popular orthopaedic surgeries in Japan,
because of good results of the surgery and an increase of elderly population. Osteoarthritis due to developmental dysplastic hip is a characteristic disease in Japan. Rapid recovery after surgery and suppression of complications are problems which should be solved in future.
【Key words】 Total hip replacement; aging society; rapid recovery; complication |
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日本人工膝关节的现状与课题 |
東京大学医学部附属病院整形外科特任講師 |
东京大学医学部附属医院骨科特聘讲师 |
乾 洋 |
乾 洋 |
The present situation and problems of knee arthroplasty
in Japan |
【Abstract】 Japan is one of the countries in which society is aging rapidly. The number of patients who need knee arthroplasty is increasing in Japan. Not only good results of the operation but also reduction of the medical cost are expected.
【Key words】 Super-aging society; Locomotive syndrome; Knee arthroplasty; new technology; medical cost |
随想 Zuiso |
将来を見据えての日中交流 |
日中医学協会評議員、山梨大学大学院総合研究部分子病理学講座教授 範江林
インタビュー |
在日中国人研究者を訪ねて |
名寄市立大学保健福祉部看護学科(老年看護学領域)准教授 段 亜梅 |
(聞き手・広報委員会委員 範 江林) |
日中共同研究こぼれ話 |
有朋自遠方來 |
同志社大学大学院脳科学研究科教授 貫名 信行 |
笹川生 in China |
(我的老师关田节子先生) |
広東薬科大学中薬学院教授 李書渊(李书渊)
(日中笹川医学奨学金制度第23期生) |
広州中医薬大学第一附属病院外科主任医師、教授 丘勇超(丘勇超)
(日中笹川医学奨学金制度第5期生) |
中国医学ニュース |
感染症対策に対する世界と中国の動向 |
中国医学研究家 池永 優美子 |
中国の家庭薬 |
長城感冒片 |
九州保健福祉大学薬学部教授 程炳鈞 |
2016 年度事業計画 |
2016 年度収支予算 |
新入会員・寄付者 |
あとがき |
広報委員会委員 飯塚 陽子 |
《日中医学》特辑专栏的题目受理“研究报告”形式的一般投稿的通知 |
日中医学协会机关杂志《日中医学》研究报告投稿规定 |