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機関誌 日中医学 |
VOL.31 No.2 2016.8. |
特集・日中における循環器疾患の現状 |
(中文题目:中日两国心血管疾病的现状) |
<日本語> |
<中国語> |
巻頭言 |
前言 |
私の日中交流 |
我的日中交流 |
自治医科大学学長 |
自治医科大学校长 |
永井 良三 |
永井 良三 |
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中国急性心肌梗死介入治疗现状 |
上海交通大学医学院附属仁済医院心内科 |
上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院心内科 |
何 奔1、江立生2
1. 主任医師、教授 2. 副主任医師 |
何 奔1、江立生2
1.主任医师、教授 2.副主任医师 |
Current status of interventional therapy for acute
myocardial infarction in China |
【Abstract】 In the past decade, the morbidity and mortality of acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction(STEMI) are continually increasing, meanwhile, reperfusion therapy rate in STEMI is not improved In view of a vast territory of China and the uneven distribution of medical resource in remote rural areas and large cities, China should implement optimal reperfusion strategy in the treatment of STEMI by selecting PPCI, thrombolysis or integrated pharmaco-invasive strategy.
【Key words】 STEMI; PPCI; thrombolysis; pharmaco-invasive strategy |
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中国冠心病介入治疗现状:从数据看发展 |
北京大学第一医院心内科 |
北京大学第一医院心内科 |
劉兆平1、霍 勇2
1. 副主任医師 2.主任医師 |
刘兆平1、霍 勇2
1.副主任医师 2.主任医师 |
Current Status of Percunaneous Coronary Intervention
in China: the development based on data |
【Abstract】 The percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI) technique in China got into rapid development stage in the past three decades from PTCA to DES era The case number of the nation started from no more than 100 annually, and boomed to more than 500 thousands per year in 2014. From 2009, quality control system of PCI began running in national scale PCI data were collected and analyzed annually Data shows that from 2009 to 2014, the case number increased by 10-20% yearly, and the procedure mortality remained around 0.2-0.3%. The stent number was about 1.5 per case, which was comparable to the global level. The patients who underwent primary PCI only occupied roughly no more than one third in those who underwent PCI with the indication of ST elevation myocardial infarction(STEMI). The main concern at present is unbalanced development of the technique, especially in economically under-developed areas. PCI should be promoted in these areas to improve the accessibility.
【Key words】 Coronary heart disease; Percutaneous coronary intervention; Quality control |
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中国心律失常介入治疗现状 |
中国医科大学附属第一医院心内科 |
中国医科大学附属第一医院心内科 |
孫英賢1、葉 寧
1.主任 |
孙英贤1、叶 宁
1.主任 |
Current status of interventional therapy for arrhythmia in China |
【Abstract】 In recent years, the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases have increased remarkably. Great
progresses have been achieved for effective interventional therapy against cardiovascular diseases,
especially in coronary artery disease and arrhythmia. From 2010 to 2015, the numbers of permanent
pacemaker implantation and radio-frequency catheter ablation have markedly increased by 70% and
100% respectively; the numbers of implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation and cardiac
resynchronization therapy have increased by 170% and 90% respectively. In addition to the increase in
the number of cases, the quality of interventional therapy for arrhythmia has been extensively improved .
【Key words】 arrhythmia; intervention; pacemaker; catheter ablation |
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日本心血管疾病的现状及课题(缺血性心脏病) |
東京医科大学循環器内科主任教授 |
东京医科大学心内科主任教授 |
山科 章 |
山科 章 |
Present status and future perspectives of cardiovascular
disease management focusing ischemic heart disease in Japan |
【Abstract】 The idea of the managing coronary artery disease patients have positively changed after the concept of offering optimal medical therapy and revascularization only for the vessels with functional ischemia is infiltrated in Japan. On the other hand, rapid progression and advancement of devises or therapeutic technique may bring the delay of clinical evidence good for clinical decision.
【Key words】 Coronary artery disease; Optimal medical therapy; Guidelines; Coronary Intervention(PCI); Coronary Artery Bypass Graft(CABG) |
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日本心血管疾病的现状及课题(心律失常) |
榊原記念病院循環器内科 |
榊原纪念医院心内科 |
福永 寛、梅村 純1
1. 副院長、循環器内科主任部長 |
福永 宽、梅村 纯1
1.副院长、心内科主任部长 |
Current trends and issues of cardiovascular disease
(arrhythmia) in Japan |
【Abstract】 In recent years, catheter ablation and device treatment have accomplished remarkable progress in arrhythmias, but initially medical therapy is provided as a control of the symptoms in many cases. Regarding the anticoagulant therapy, the guidelines have been changed by the appearance of NOACs(non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants). We wish to introduce the recent topics including medical treatment and non-medical treatment of arrhythmias according to the guidelines and data in Japan.
【Key words】 Arrhythmia; Medical therapy; Catheter ablation; Device implantation |
随想 Zuiso |
人民大会堂で『北国の春』を唄う |
日中医学協会広報委員会委員、横浜市立大学非常勤講師 小澤 邦壽 |
インタビュー |
在日中国人研究者を訪ねて |
帯広畜産大学原虫病研究センター センター長・教授 玄 学南 |
(聞き手・広報委員会委員 範 江林) |
日中共同研究こぼれ話 |
〜静かで熱い漢・楊隆強君〜 |
東京歯科大学薬理学講座教授 笠原 正貴 |
笹川生 in China |
(我和小川秀兴先生的师生情谊) |
四川大学華西医院皮膚科主任医師、教授 冉玉平(冉玉平)
(日中笹川医学奨学金制度第4期生) |
北京中医薬大学教授、中華医学会医史学分会第十四期主任委员 梁永宣(梁永宣)
(日中笹川医学奨学金制度第22期生) |
中国医学ニュース |
中国版「母子健康手册」の導入 |
中国医学研究家 池永 優美子 |
中国の家庭薬 |
防風通聖散 |
新潟薬科大学特別招聘教授 袁世華 |
新入会員・寄付者 |
あとがき |
広報委員会委員 上塚 芳郎 |
《日中医学》特辑专栏的题目受理“研究报告”形式的一般投稿的通知 |
日中医学协会机关杂志《日中医学》研究报告投稿规定 |