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機関誌 日中医学 |
VOL.31 No.3 2016.11. |
特集・日中の災害医療 |
(中文题目:中日两国的灾害医疗) |
<日本語> |
<中国語> |
巻頭言 |
前言 |
アジア全体の災害対応能力向上に向けて日中協力が果たす役割 |
日中合作对提高亚洲整体抗灾能力的作用 |
厚生労働省DMAT事務局長 |
厚生劳动省DMAT事务局长 |
小井土雄一 |
小井土雄一 |
| |
中国灾害医学救援的现状及发展趋势 |
中国医学救護協会会長 |
中国医学救援协会会长 |
李宗浩 |
李宗浩 |
Current Situation and Development Trend of Chinese
Disaster & Emergency Medicine |
【Abstract】 In recent fifty years, we are facing severe disaster situation worldwidely. Disaster spectrum had changed. China is the country that is facing natural disaster particularly an earthquake each other. In practice, we had formed a system of disaster & emergency medicine theory and experience gradually. China should strengthen the future academic communication and cooperation with neighboring country Japan and other countries.
【Key words】 China; disaster; emergency; earthquake; medical rescue |
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灾难救援的基本原则 |
南京軍区南京総合病院神経外科教授 |
南京军区南京总医院神经外科教授 |
孫海晨 |
孙海晨 |
Basic Principles in Disaster Rescue |
【Abstract】 Disaster rescue is a complicated systematic project. Ten basic principles in modern disaster rescue are summarized: humanitarian priority, fast response, priority of group interests, triage, echelon management of patients, self and mutual aid, scientific and safe rescue, localization principle and preparedness. These principles should be followed in disaster rescue.
【Key words】 disaster rescue; humanitarian priority; fast response; priority of group interests; triage |
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日本医疗救援的现状及课题 |
山形県立救命救急センター副所長 |
山形县立急救中心副所长 |
森野一真 |
森野一真 |
Disaster medicine and disaster health managements in Japan |
【Abstract】 In recent years our main structure of anti-disaster measures are disaster management base hospitals, Emergency Medical Information System and Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT).The object of these countermeasures is early acute response. But from a long view of the size and kinds of needs in devastated areas, health managements and disaster risk reductions are most important. So we should develop the health and medical management system through the total period in disasters.
【Key words】 Disaster medicine; Disaster Risk Reduction; Disaster management base hospital;
Emergency Medical Information System; Disaster Health and Medical Management |
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DMAT:救灾医疗队 |
厚生労働省DMAT 事務局次長 |
厚生劳动省DMAT办公室副主任 |
近藤久禎 |
近藤久禎 |
DMAT : Disaster Medical Assistance Team |
【Abstract】 Lessons learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake and Chuetsu Earthquake, Japanhas been organizing Disaster Medical Assistant Team(DMAT)with the expansion of EmergencyMedical Information System (EMIS). At the time of Great East Japan Earthquake, 380 DMAT teams from all 47 prefectures responded rapidly. 466 DMAT teams were dispatched for recent Kumamoto
Earthquake. We were able to confirm effective disaster response system for the period of acute disaster phase. However, to respond expected major Earthquakes in Japan, we must keep and improve quality of disaster response system.
【Key words】 DMAT(Disaster Medical Assistant Team); EMIS(Emergency Medical InformationSystem);
Wide aria medical transportation; SCU(Staging care unit); Disaster Medical System |
随想 Zuiso |
日中における現代未病の新潮流 |
(一社)日本未病システム学会理事長 福生吉裕 |
インタビュー |
在日中国人研究者を訪ねて |
産業医科大学医学部第1 解剖学 教授 東 華岳 |
(聞き手・広報委員会委員 範 江林) |
日中共同研究こぼれ話 |
中国訪書余話 |
茨城大学名誉教授、南京中医薬大学客員教授 真柳 誠 |
笹川生 in China |
(用责任为中日学科交流架起一座桥梁) |
上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院麻酔科教授 于布為(于布为)
(日中笹川医学奨学金制度第2期生) |
中華予防医学会研究員 王 芃(王 芃)
(日中笹川医学奨学金制度第15期生) |
中国医学ニュース |
緊急を要す「伝染病」ならびに「救急医療」への対策 |
中国医学研究家 池永 優美子 |
中国の家庭薬 |
定坤丹 |
徐福中医研究所代表 何 仲涛 |
新入会員・寄付者 |
あとがき |
広報委員会委員長 緒方 剛 |
《日中医学》特辑专栏的题目受理“研究报告”形式的一般投稿的通知 |
日中医学协会机关杂志《日中医学》研究报告投稿规定 |