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前言 日中两国子宫癌的现状与展望

东京大学研究生院医学系研究科妇产科 教授
大须贺 穰


王 遥 梁 静※1
※1 执行主任(通讯作者) 

Current Status and Challenges in Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Cervical Cancer in China

Cervical cancer is the most common gynecological cancer in China. As such, there are government-led initiatives for promoting awareness about and screening for cervical cancer in the country. Despite surgery and chemoradiation being the primary treatments for cervical cancer, standardization and adjunctive therapies need to be refi ned, and traditional Chinese medicine off ers unique benefi ts for cervical cancer management. This article summarizes the critical status of and challenges in the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer in China.

【Key words】
Cervical cancer, HPV vaccine, Surgery, Radiochemotherapy, Traditional Chinese medicine


中国医学科学院北京协和医院妇科肿瘤中心 副主任

Overall Situation and Treatment Progress of Uterine Body Cancer in China

More and more attention has been paid to the screening and early diagnosis of endometrial cancer, the incidence of which is increasing the fastest among gynecological malignancies in China. The main associated challenges are standardized surgical treatments for patients with early-stage disease; exploration of better systematic treatments for patients at high risk or with metastatic or recurrent disease; and individualized fertility-preserving treatments for young women.

【Key words】
Endometrial cancer, Screening, Treatment, Fertility preserving


帝京大学医学部妇产科学系 主任教授

Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Strategies in Japan: Current Status, Future, Prospects

The incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer are increasing in Japan, particularly among younger women. Despite efforts to improve it, the screening uptake has been low, with the current rate being 43.6%. Human papillomavirus vaccination rates are also low owing to past controversies, although they are gradually improving. Advances in surgery and treatment include minimally invasive techniques and new therapies. In the future, efforts are required to enhance prevention strategies, improve screening and vaccination rates, and integrate modern treatment strategies.

【Key words】
Cervical cancer, cervical cancer screening, HPV vaccination, radical hysterectomy, minimally invasive surgery


东京大学医学部附属病院女性外科 副教授

Current Status and Prospects of Endometrial Cancer Treatment in Japan

Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological cancer. The next stage of diagnosis and treatment of this cancer has begun with new concepts such as molecular subtypes, minimally invasive surgeries such as robot- assisted surgery, and new molecular-targeted drugs.

【Key words】
Minimally invasive surgery, Molecular subtype, Sentinel lymph node, Immuno-check point inhibitor


纽 带

横滨市立大学医学研究科放射线诊断学 副教授  山城 恒雄

笹川生 in China

河南科技大学第一附属医院护理部副主任  焦丹丹

后  记 宣传委员会专业委员   饭塚阳子