前言 日中两国在老龄化进程中携手合作的重要性
昭和大学口腔系老年口腔学教室 教授
吴林芮 程兴群 吴红崑※1
※1 主任医师(通讯作者)
Etiology and Serial Treatment of Root Caries in the Elderly
Root caries occurs on the root surface or junction between the enamel and bone. It is one of the most common oral cavity diseases in the elderly and is characterized by a high prevalence, hidden location, difficult treatment, and poor prognosis. The incidence of root caries is increasing annually due to increases in the aging population. At present, there is no standard treatment for root caries. This paper reviews the etiology and treatment methods of root caries described in the literature, as well as the feasibility and practicality of serial treatment for root caries, and aims to propose a basis for standardizing the prevention and treatment of root caries.
【Key words】
Root caries, The elderly, Serial treatment, Quadruple factors
蒋文凯 张亚庆※1
※1 主任医师、教授(通讯作者)
Current Situation and Prospects for Oral Treatment of the Elderly in Chinese Stomatological Hospitals
Geriatric stomatology has become vitally important worldwide due to aging populations. This paper briefly summarizes the current situation regarding oral treatment for the elderly in Chinese stomatological hospitals and look to future directions in terms of oral treatment for the elderly, including pathologic, physiological, and psychological changes; the impact of common systemic diseases on oral health; and the effects of aging on dentition and oral soft tissues.
【Key words】
Geriatric stomatology, Root canal obstruction, Systemic diseases, Dental caries
东京齿科大学老年口腔修复学 主任教授
Oral Frailty and Oral Hypofunction in Older Outpatients in Dental Clinics in Japan
Oral function tests have enabled the diagnosis of oral hypofunction. While it is important to maintain teeth to prevent oral hypofunction, recent studies have shown that this alone is insufficient. A decline in the function of the masticatory muscles, lips, and tongue, and reduced salivation, have been linked to deterioration of patients’ general health.
【Key words】
Oral frailty, Oral hypofunction, Oral health management
滨松市康复医院 口腔科主任
一般社团法人日本老年齿科医学会医院齿科委员会 委员长
The Role and Prospects of Hospital Dentistry for Gerodontology in Japan
Hospital dentistry for hospitalized patients and home dental care are important for the oral management of older adults in Japan who have difficulty visiting dental clinics. Hospital dentistry can have a positive effect on oral health management for hospitalized older adult patients and may be a suitable a clinical site for practicing gerodontology.
【Key words】
Hospital dentistry, Hospitalized patients, Medical dental collaboration, Older adults, Oral management
精神科医疗口译的“患者拥护” 金泽大学研究生院人间社会环境研究科 博士后期课程 周 英 |
笹川生 in China |
研究与马拉松双收的一年 |
后 记 | 宣传委员会委员 关根秀志 |
期刊《日中医学》一般投稿征稿通 |